22 August 2008

contortions of a chameleon tongue

the children of immigrants are like chameleons - either that, or schizophrenics. maybe god gave them the gift of adaptability. maybe they can meld and morph into any situation, twist their tongues easily around any language, all because god is trying to compensate for something. for taking them away perhaps. the extra gift of belonging anywhere enables them to land on their feet like cats, in any situation, to make up for the instability of their legs in the first place.

but unknowingly, god created more problems. when you belong everywhere, you tend to feel like you belong nowhere - like you're stuck being the bridge, belonging just as much (or just as little) in one place as you do in another. it messes with your head, this walking the tightrope ALL THE TIME. but maybe schizophrenia is the side effect for just the first generation, and maybe a bit of the second. after that, it sort of melts away...

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