22 August 2008


lovers meet and part on a daily basis, with a frightening sort of continuity. just go to any airport and witness firsthand the many comings and goings of people in our lives. airplanes fly off overhead, and i never cease wondering if anyone i know, if anyone i've loved is sitting upon the clouds, hurtling slowly out of my grasp.

sometimes, it's because they've quarrelled. other times it is simply because time has made them grow weary of one another. it can be their circumstances - he has to leave, or she sees him only on the weekend. sometimes, they are still in love, but too stubborn to admit it. one of them (or both) may be trying to selfishly save him/herself from an eventual broken heart.

why does love fall apart? is it truly an inevitability? is it because we change ourselves or because our lovers change us - that we change together and grow further apart? love has become cheapened, its pretense can be found in so many novels and $2 harlequins. that's not love though. we put our lovers up on pedestals, if only so that we must not look them in the eye. for some of us, an indifferent love is what will last forever. he remains a challenge, remains cold as ice in the face of haphazardly flung endearments, loving words laying about like a layer of dust upon the bed, misting the air where the sun's rays stream through it...

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